When I was in need of my payday advance I used Cash Til Payday. They were very nice to me and answered all of my questions and concerns. I would tell anyone who needs an advance to use this company.
It was easy to get my loan with Cash Til Payday...Their are very few requirements needed to be fulfilled. It was easy and anyone in need of an advance use this company.
It sure did cost me...... I had to pay way more on interest then I would have liked to. I only needed the loan for a week, then I would have it paid off. It was ridiculous what this company charged me compared to what Ive been charged in other occasions.
These companies are run by the same corporate office. They try to scam you out of your money. Don't use any of these outlets
Cash Till Payday has so many different qualifications necessary to get a damn loan it's ridiculous and not even worth my time. next time, im going to use someone else.