United Check Cashing
United Check Cashing offers payday loans in many states. These include Kentucky, Colorado, Texas, California, Florida, and others. A payday loan is a short term loan made to an individual with little limits on acquiring the loan. A payday loan is used when cash is needed right away, and when an individual does not want to go through the hassle or time of trying to acquire a loan through a traditional bank. The requirements on getting a payday loan, or cash advance, are basically the same for most companies. The individual applying for the loan must have a job, a checking account, a current phone number, and an ID. Many companies require that the job be held for at least 3 to 6 months, and that the checking account is in good standing. There may be a minimum monthly requirement as to how much an individual makes, as well. Typically, this is between $800 and $1000 per month.
When all these criteria are met, the individual will fill out an application for a loan, either online or in person. When approved, the borrowed amount is given to the person in the store, or deposited into the bank account within 24 hours when applying online. This money may be borrowed until the person's next payday, and then paid back through their checking account by means of an electronic withdrawal. The money that has been borrowed, plus APR fees, will be automatically deducted through the individual's account from United Check Cashing. If the borrower is unable to pay the full amount back on the due date, they may be eligible to roll over the loan until their next payday by only paying the finance fee.
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Additional Services
At United Check Cashing, there are other services available to the general public. Check cashing is one main service they offer. You do not need a bank account to cash any kind of check, and there is no waiting to get your money. The fee for check cashing is low, just pennies on the dollar. Cash any type of check, from payroll, government, tax rebates, local, state, and more. When a bank won't cash your check, United Check Cashing will.
United Check Cashing also offers convenient bill paying at their locations. Instead of mailing off your payment, you can choose to come in with whatever bill statement you need to pay, and the friendly representatives will automatically process the payment for you. There are hundreds of billers that United Check Cashing accepts, from phone, gas, electric, cell phone, and much more. It is fast and reliable, and your payment will get there much faster than through the mail.
If you are in need of a money order, you can also get one when you do business at United Check Cashing. Money orders can be used for many things - to pay bills, make purchases, or send money. They are easy, convenient, and cost much less at United than at a bank or a post office. Another easy way to pay your bills using United Check Services is to use a money transfer by Western Union. When you use Western Union, you can send or receive money from over 196,000 agents around the world. Not only can you send money to a friend or relative, you an also pay select bills, such as your car or your insurance payment.
At United Check Cashing, you can buy a prepaid debit card with either Visa or MasterCard on it. You simply load the amount of money you want onto the card, and use it at thousands of merchants around the world. Anyone who takes the Visa or MasterCard logo will accept this prepaid debit card, and it will also be good at select ATM's for withdrawing cash.
If you need home phone service because yours has been shut off, or you need to put down a big deposit to get it turned back on, United Check Cashing has the solution. All you need is a low one-time fee for activation and the money to prepay your first month's bill, and you can have home phone service in just a matter of days. United offers phone service from many different companies, including Cat Communications and Budget Phone. They can get you up and running with phone service in no time at all.
To find a location nearest you, check the website at www.unitedcheckcashing.com. You can also call for more information at (302) 366-0700.