Payday Loan from a Direct Lender
There are many advantages to working with a direct payday lender. If you take a chance on just anyone, you may get more than what you bargained for. Since SameDayPayday works with only direct lenders who follow industry best practices, rest assure about who has your information and what could be done with it. The last thing you need to worry about are unwanted emails, bulk mail, and phone solicitations from online marketers you do not know and trust.
What is a Direct Lender?
An online payday loan direct lender means there are no middlemen between you and your loan. For example, you might apply with one company, but you have to deal with multiple companies to service it. Ask yourself, do I want to receive phone calls and emails from more than one provider? Even after your loan has been funded and no longer need financial assistance.
Advantages of Direct Payday Loan
Deal with one lender from start to finish and protect your sanity. Because of the sensitive nature of your personal information, going direct is the right choice. Have question or loan issue? No problem, if you have only one company to contact.
Another advantage is cost. The more companies involved in the loan process, usually higher the cost.
Basic Requirements
First, you must have a checking account with direct deposit.
Second, show recent pay stubs or other proof of income of at least $750 per month.
Finally, be over 18 years old and a US citizen. Other requirements may vary by lender.